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September 2007 - Labour Day Parade


We started off with a BANG. The Church participated in the Cochrane Labour Day Parade. We had a wagon, team, and lots of outriders and a wagon stuffed to the brim with passengers. Our efforts were rewarded as CTC was awarded the BEST OVERALL ENTRY in the whole parade.


September 30 2007 - Gymkhana at the Lazy S Arena


On September 30 we gathered, (about 175 strong), for the Second Annual Gymkhana and Fun Day at the Lazy S Arena. There were events for young and old alike. The day concluded with a Beef on a Bun dinner that was enjoyed by all.


October 20 2007 - Trail


Some of the more hardy (45 in all) of the CTC Crew gathered at Gordy Cunningham's ranch near Sundre and set off on a day long adventure. We left the home place and rode out for awhile, then stopped for lunch on the trail. A fire was built and Smokies and Hot Dogs fell victim to the hungry horde. After lunch, we split into two groups and went our separate ways. There was a lot of territory covered, everyone made it to the top of Moose Mountain before winding our way back to Gordy's where we all enjoyed a Pot Luck Supper.


October 28 2007 - Little Grey Haired Ladies


At the AGM on October 28, there was a comment made suggesting that perhaps the church was overpopulated by "Little Grey Haired Ladies". As a show of support three of our "younger" men arrived at the next Tuesday service with their hair suitably enhanced! Great fun!


December 7 2007 - Christmas Concert


December 7th 2007 saw the third annual Cowboy Trail Christmas Concert entertain us and feed our bodies as well as our Spiritual needs. We are unique in the way we enjoy many events.As has become tradition, many of the Artists and Artisans in our midst displayed their creations.


December 15 2007 - Wagon Rides at the Buckley Ranch


December 15th was a bright sunny and somewhat breezy day when some 45 or more hardy souls gathered at John and Tracy Buckley’s Ranch to enjoy a wagon ride and a Pot Luck supper following the ride.There were four wagons loaded with smiling faces and there were many laughs.We saw Bryn ride an ARAB, (bareback no less) and also witnessed just how fast a Pastor can run!Check out the photos and see who you may recognize under all those clothes!Thank you John and Tracy for letting us gather, and for the use of your team and wagon.. Also thanks to Roy Luyendyk, Aaron & Chelsea Cunningham and Alan Kidd for bringing teams and wagons.


December 23 2007 - Caroling Through Cochrane


What a wonderful afternoon of Fellowship and Music as Cowboy Trail Church filled two wagons to overflowing and went around the West part of Cochrane.The Taylors and the Luyendyks generously broght their wagons and teams for all of us to enjoy.Everyone bundled up to keep warm, and sang with great gusto. Sometimes the two choirs were on different programs, but a great time was had by all.


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